So for this project I created a color wheel that showed all primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. The primary colors are big circles in the wheel the colors are blue, yellow, and red. The secondary colors are the squares on the wheel and those colors are orange, green, and violet. Last but not least there are the tertiary colors which are the smaller triangles on wheel and there are 6 tertiary colors and they are yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, and yellow-green. How to get tertiary colors is you have to mix a primary color and secondary color together.
What I learned:
Something that I learned while doing this project is you have to have a lot of patience because if you don't you will get really frustrated and give up on trying. I also learned it's a learning process and you will mess up a lot and have to use the command z button a lot but that's ok because your still learning.
Another thing I learned was that it takes time and many times I would press the wrong button and mess something up but I had to keep trying. Lastly I had to make sure I was using the tool to do certain things like the text if you were still on the text tool and you didn't press the cursor tool the you you just draw another text box instead of moving the first one to where you want it.
What I did:
What I did was try my best in making a color wheel that was aesthetically pleasing and correct. I think that I did a pretty good job on this project considering that it was my first time using adobe illustrator. But something I would do differently next time would be to figure how to tilt the text so that it was sort of the same angle as the color it was describing. Lastly I would also try and get the colors closer to what their name is because I didn't really know how to customize them.