Our creative process was very collaborative and that really helped our project run smoothly. Also we decided to split up the jobs as much as we could so that everyone got a turn to so something with the video for example the filming or the acting. Our key decisions were the angles that we choose because they were a big factor in making this video. The entire group was definitely involved in the entire process because everyone had their role for example the film making or the acting. my role in the process was the like the leader because I am best at facilitating and making sure everyone's ideas are heard.
Something that I would do differently is to make sure that we have an establishing shot because we didn't and I think that would make the video a lot better. Something that I would keep the same is the shot where he is walking down the hallway because I think it made the video more entertaining.Some thing that I have learned for this experience is to make sure you communicate and listen to each other because it will make the collaboration so much easier. I think this project was a great way to learn the different techniques and ways to film a video.